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A Hundred fables of La Fontaine

Notes: "A Hundred fables of La Fontaine" offers a selection of some of Jean de La Fontaine's best known fables. These are all in verse.
Author: Jean de La Fontaine
Published: 1900
Publisher: John Lane Co., London; New York
I. 1.The Grasshopper and the Ant; 2.The Thieves and the Ass; 3.The Wolf Accusing the Fox; 4.The Lion and the Ass Hunting; 5.The Wolf turned Shepherd II. 1.The Swan and the Cook; 2.The Weasel in the Granary; 3.The Shepherd and the Sea; 4.The Ass and the Little Dog; 5.The Man and the Wooden God III. 1.The Ears of the Hare; 2.The Old Woman and Her Servants; 3.The Ass Carrying Relics; 4.The Hare and the Partridge; 5.The Lion Going to War IV. 1.The Old Man and the Ass; 2.The Ass and his Masters; 3.The Wax-Candle; 4.The Shepherd and his Flock; 5.The Tortoise and the Two Ducks V. 1.The Two Asses; 2.The Shepherd and his Dog; 3.The Two Mules; 4.The Heifer, the Goat, and the Sheep; 5.The Two Rats, the Fox and the Egg VI. 1.The Man and his Image; 2.The Dragon with Many Heads; 3.Death and the Woodman; 4.The Hornets and the Bees; 5.The Oak and the Reed VII. 1.The Council held by the Rats; 2.The Two Bulls and the Frog; 3.The Bat and the Two Weasels; 4.The Bird wounded by an Arrow; 5.The Lion and the Gnat VIII. 1.The Ass Loaded with Sponges; 2.The Dove and the Ant; 3.The Cock and the Fox; 4.The Lion beaten by the Man; 5.Philomel and Progne XI. 1.The Camel and the Floating Sticks; 2.The Wolf, the Goat and the Kid; 3.The Rat Retired from the World; 4.The Cunning Fox; 5.The Ape X. 1.The Fox, the Flies, and the Hedgehog; 2.The Eagle and the Magpie; 3.The Lion and the Hunter; 4.The Fox, the Monkey, and the Animals; 5.The Sun and the Frogs XI. 1.The Countryman and the Serpent; 2.The Carter in the Mire; 3.The Heron; 4.The Head and the Tail of the Serpent; 5.The Dog And His Master's Dinner XII. 1.The Joker and the Fishes; 2.The Rat and the Oyster; 3.The Hog, the Goat, and the Sheep; 4.The Rat and the Elephant; 5.The Ass and the Dog XIII. 1.Education; 2.The Two Dogs and the Dead Ass; 3.The Monkey and the Leopard; 4.The Acorn and the Pumpkin; 5.The fool who sold wisdom XIV. 1.The Oyster and the Litigants; 2.The Wolf and the Lean Dog; 3.Nothing too Much; 4.The Cat and the Fox; 5.The Monkey and the Cat XV. 1.The Spider and the Swallow; 2.The Dog whose Ears were Cropped; 3.The Lioness and the Bear; 4.The Mice and the Owl; 5.The Cat and the Two Sparrows XVI. 1.The Two Goats; 2.The Old Cat and the Young Mouse; 3.The Sick Stag; 4.The Quarrel of the Dogs and Cats; 5.The Wolf and the Fox XVII. 1.The Lobster and her Daughter; 2.The Ploughman and his Sons; 3.The Ass Dressed in the Lion's Skin; 4.The Lion and the Ass Hunting; 5.The Fox, the Wolf, and the horse XVIII. 1.The Fox and the Turkeys; 2.The Wallet; 3.The Woodman and Mercury; 4.The Lion and the Monkey; 5.The Shepherd and the Lion XIX. 1.The Horse and the Wolf; 2.The Eagle and the Owl; 3.The Miser and the Monkey; 4.The Vultures and the Pigeons; 5.The Stag and the Vine XX. 1.The Earthen Pot and the Iron Pot; 2.The Bear and the Two Companions; 3.The Lion, the Wolf, and the Fox; 4.The Battle of the Rats and Weasels; 5.The Animals Sick of the Plague