The Alligator’s Fruit
Filipino folktale
Two women went to gather some wild fruit from a vine which belonged to the alligator.
“You must be careful not to throw the rind with your teeth marks on it where the alligator can see it,” said one of the women to the other as they sat eating the fruit.
But the other woman paid no attention and threw the rind showing teeth marks into the river, where the alligator saw it.
Thus he knew at once who had taken his fruit, and he was very angry. He went to the house of the woman and called to the people:
“Bring out the woman that I may eat her, for she has eaten my fruit”
“Very well,” answered the people. “But sit down and wait a little while.”
Then they put the iron soil-turner into the fire, and when it was red hot, they took it to the door and said to the alligator:
“Here, eat this first.”
He opened his mouth, and they pushed the red hot iron down his throat, and he died.
Philippine Folk Tales

Notes: This book features 61 folktales from the Philippines.
Author: Mabel Cook Cole
Published: 1916
Publisher: A.C. McClurg & Co., Chicago