Welcome to Andrew Lang's fairy tales!
About Andrew Lang

Andrew Lang (31 March 1844 - 20 July 1912) was a Scottish poet, novelist, and literary critic. Born in Selkirk, Lang was the oldest among eight siblings. After graduating, he began to publish his works, showing he was a gifted journalist, poet, and writer.
He is best known as one of the most important collectors of folk and fairy tales. The twelve fairy tale books he edited contain stories from around the world, collected from various sources, and translated mainly by his wife and other enthusiasts.
The Blue Fairy Book

Notes: The first of a collection of twelve fairy tale books, gathered by Andrew Lang from various sources. Published in 1889, the Blue Fairy Book contains 37 stories.
Author: Various
Editor: Andrew Lang
Published: 1889
Publisher: Langmans, Green, and Co., London; New York
The Red Fairy Book

Notes: The second book from Andrew Lang's collection was first published in 1890 and contains 37 fairy tales.
Author: Various
Editor: Andrew Lang
Published: 1890
Publisher: Langmans, Green, and Co., London; New York
The Green Fairy Book

Notes: The third book from Andrew Lang's collection was first published in 1892 and contains 42 fairy tales.
Author: Various
Editor: Andrew Lang
Published: 1892
Publisher: Langmans, Green, and Co., London; New York
The Arabian Nights /One Thousand and One Nights/

Notes: This book holds some of the folktales form the Arabian Nights Entertainments. Selected and edited by Andrew Lang, these folktales are slmplified and shortened, making them more suitable for children.
Author: Anonymous
Editor: Andrew Lang
Published: 1918
Publisher: Longmans, Green and Co