Green willow and other Japanese fairy tales
These tales and legends have been collected from many sources. Some of them have been selected from the Ko-ji-ki, or Record of Ancient Matters, which contains the mythology of Japan. Many are told from memory, being relics of childish days, originally heard from the lips of a school-fellow or a nurse. Certain of them, again, form favourite subjects for representation upon the Japanese stage. A number of the stories now gathered together have been translated into English long ere this, and have appeared in this country in one form or another; others are probably new to an English public.
Thanks are due to Marcus B. Huish, Esq., who has allowed his story, “The Espousal of the Rat’s Daughter,” to be included in this collection; and to Mrs. T. H. James for permission to use her version of “The Matsuyama Mirror.”
Green willow and other Japanese fairy tales

Notes: Contains 38 Japanese folktales
Author: Grace James
Published: 1912
Publisher: Macmillan And Co., Limited, London