The Islands of Magic
Legends, Folk and Fairy Tales from the Azores

Notes: The book contains 34 folktales from the Azores (Portugal).
Author: Elsie Spicer Eells
Published: 1922
Publisher: Hardcourt, Brace and Company, Inc., New York
1.Princess Bluegreen of the Seven Cities
4.Longstaff, Pinepuller and Rockheaver
5.The Table, the Sifter and the Pinchers
9.The Princess Who Lost Her Rings
13.The Little Maid Who Was Wise
16.The Daughter of the King of Naples
18.The Seven Enchanted Princes
21.The Princess of the Lost Island
22.Why The Alvéloa Bird Received a Blessing
23.Why the Codorniz Bird Received a Curse