ales of the Sun or Folklore of Southern India

Notes: The book holds 26 Indian folktales.
Author: Mrs. Howard Kingscote and
Pandit Natesa Sastri
Published: 1890
Publisher: W. H. Allen & Co. 13 Waterloo Place, London
& Calcutta
2.Why Brâhmaṇs cannot eat in the Dark
6.Mr. Won't Give and Mr. Won't Leave
8.The Mother-in-Law became an Ass
10.The Brâhmiṇ Girl that Married a Tiger
11. The Good Husband and the Bad Wife
12.The Good Wife and the Bad Husband
III.The Brâhmaṇ’s Wife and the Mungoose
IV.The Faithless Wife and the Ungrateful Blind Man
14.The Monkey with the Tom-Tom
18.Chandralêkhâ and the Eight Robbers
20.The Brâhmaṇ Priest who became an Amildâr
21.The Gardener's Cunning Wife
23.Good Luck to the Lucky One; Or, Shall I Fall Down?